Our Story
Established as a not-for-profit charitable organisation, CECWA seeks to fulfil its purpose in raising public, corporate, Government and political awareness of Conductive Education and in raising funds to support the ongoing growth and development of Conductive Education programs in WA.
In supporting the ongoing provision of CE programs, the CE Charity of WA aims to educate our communities and increase awareness of CE.
The Board and its members actively promotes the CE program in the Perth Metropolitan Area for children with motor (physical) impairments and associated needs, and fundraises to provide specialist equipment, holiday programs, and subsidy packages for specialised staff (teacher-conductors) and additional support staff.
- CE Development & Awareness
- Funding of Conductor Training
- Telethon grant and other awards
What is Conductive Education
Conductive Education sees the child as a whole, recognising that each area of development impacts on the next. Physical skills, play skills, communication, social interaction, exploration and self care skills are all developed within a fully integrated program.
Developed by Dr. Andras Peto and his colleagues at the International Peto Institute, in Budapest, Hungary, each CE programme is led by specially trained educators called Conductors or Teacher-Conductors.
The CE Charity of WA supports a variety of CE services through Carson School, East Vic Park, WA. To date, the Charity has supported the Carson Street programmes to grow and develop in WA. These include:
- Early Intervention Programmes for very young children with motor disorders (0-4 years). The Groups (known as ‘Parent-and-Child’ groups) are usually 2-3 hours long, twice weekly.
- CE Kindy / CE Pre-Primary Classes – K /PP students with motor disabilities can attend the specialist full time CE classes run by the teacher-conductors at Carson Street School when staffing permits.
- Holiday Programs are run as intensive holiday programs held daily over 1 or 2 weeks (with funding.) These groups aim to cater for children unable to access CE during term time.
Please contact the CE Co-ordinator, Carson Street School (see our links page for details) for information on the CE Programs and Services available.
As in many parts of the world, the present Conductive Education (CE) movement in Western Australia (WA) has grown out of the persistence of individual families who believed there must be a better system of intervention for their children with motor disabilities.